Suggestion: Improved CSS autocomplete

Repository: codemirror/lang-css

For autocompleting css property name (margin, background, …) I suggest inserting the name of the property alongside the color “:” character which makes the flow lightly nicer when typing many property names. It would only require setting the “apply” property of the autosuggestion to ${propertyName}+“:”

or for a more advanced version one could insert color, space and semicolon and set the cursor to after the space (this is what VSCode does by default and people are already used to this behaviour from muscle memory)

Adding the colon and space seems like a good idea. I decided not to add the semicolon, since that seems less unambiguously helpful—you will occasionally not need/want it, and having to move past it before pressing enter when entering a bunch of properties seems more annoying than just typing it in the first place.