TS2379 error it @codemirror/language

In an effort to tighten up my own coding practices, I have enabled exactOptionalPropertyTypes for the TypeScript compiler. In setting up CodeMirror extensions, I have the following:

private readonly _extensions: Extension[] = [
    // ...
    syntaxHighlighting(defaultHighlightStyle, {
        fallback: true

That generates the following error:

TS2379: Argument of type HighlightStyle is not assignable to parameter of type Highlighter with ‘exactOptionalPropertyTypes: true’. Consider adding undefined to the types of the target’s properties.
Types of property scope are incompatible.
Type ((type: NodeType) => boolean) | undefined is not assignable to type (node: NodeType) => boolean
Type undefined is not assignable to type (node: NodeType) => boolean

I can work around it with defaultHighlightStyle as Omit<HighlightStyle, "scope">, but I thought it best to raise it here.

I think this patch should help, by moving the strict-optional violation into the library, code in way that it isn’t visible anymore in the external types.

That looks like it would solve it, thanks. Any ETA on when it will be available via NPM?

There’s a @codemirror/language 6.10.3 tagged now.