Hi, I am pretty new to Lezer and my intention is to create a simple query language for my expense manager app. So far I have this grammar:
@top Query {
expression* // * because there may not be anything
@tokens {
String { '"' (!["\\] | "\\" _)* '"' }
Number { '-'? int frac? exp? }
int { '0' | $[1-9] @digit* }
frac { '.' @digit+ }
exp { $[eE] $[+\-]? @digit+ }
LineComment { ";" ![\n]* }
space { @whitespace+ }
@skip { space | LineComment }
expression {
Or | And | Not |
Group |
// Custom commands
IsAutomatic |
Name |
@precedence { leftPrecedence @left }
Or {
expression !leftPrecedence ":or" expression
And {
expression !leftPrecedence ":and" expression
Not {
":not" expression
Group {
"(" expression+ ")"
IsAutomatic {
Name {
":name" String
AmountOver {
":amount-over" Number
sorting {
SortAsc | SortDesc
SortAsc {
":sort-asc-by" sortExpression
SortDesc {
":sort-desc-by" sortExpression
sortExpression {
@specialize<String, "name"> | @specialize<String, "date">
The grammar compiles, but when I try to parse:
:sort-asc-by "name"
I get SyntaxError: No parse at 13 and I am not sure what could be wrong…
The idea behind my language is pretty simple. I want to have commands (:command-name ), what I would love is to have a way to specify enums for some of the commands. For example, specific sorting methods - so far, all of my attempts with Lezer has been unsuccessful :(.
The quotes in "name"/"date" are part of Lezer’s syntax, so the strings you are specializing are just name/date. Strings always include quotes so these will never match any actual token. Using '"name"' instead should work.
(Also, using simple quoted tokens for things like your : keywords is not a good idea—it’ll match them even when there’s further letters after them, and blow up the size of your tokenizer tables. It’s better to define a token for colon-followed-by-identifier, and then @specialize that for each instance.)