Undoing Dispatched State Updates

I am trying to implement a Markdown editor with Codemirror. Currently, I’m creating a toggleBold command that would essentially add ** around selected text, or remove it if it’s already there. I have the following so far.

However, I noticed that when I use my toggleBold command, but then use Mod+z to undo, it doesn’t undo the bolding.

I expected this to be built into the Transaction system, but apparently it’s not?

Can someone please help me out to fix this issue? A quick working demo would be great.

Thank you in advance!

function toggleBold(editor) {
    const { state, dispatch } = editor;
    const { selection } = state;
    const { from, to } = selection.main;
    const text = state.doc.sliceString(from, to);

    const before = state.doc.sliceString(Math.max(0, from - 2), from);
    const after = state.doc.sliceString(to, Math.min(state.doc.length, to + 2));

    if (before === "**" && after === "**") {
        // Remove surrounding **
        const transaction = state.update({
            changes: [
                { from: from - 2, to: from, insert: "" },
                { from: to, to: to + 2, insert: "" }
            selection: { anchor: from - 2, head: to - 2 },
            scrollIntoView: true,

    const isBold = text.startsWith("**") && text.endsWith("**");

    if (isBold) {
        // Remove bold
        const newText = text.slice(2, -2);
        const transaction = state.update({
            changes: { from, to, insert: newText },
            selection: { anchor: from, head: from + newText.length },
            scrollIntoView: true,
    } else {
        // Add bold
        const newText = `**${text}**`;
        const transaction = state.update({
            changes: { from, to, insert: newText },
            selection: { anchor: from + 2, head: from + 2 + text.length },
            scrollIntoView: true,


It absolutely should. Are you sure you’re using the history functionality from @codemirror/commands, not the native undo history?