{label: “contains”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, substr)”},
{label: “concat”, type: “func”, detail: “(col1, val, col2)”},
{label: “indexOf”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, str)”},
{label: “lastIndexOf”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, str)”},
{label: “slice”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, start_idx, end_idx)”},
{label: “split”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, delimiter, index}”},
{label: “splitByLengths”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, …len n}”},
{label: “length”, type: “func”, detail: “(col}”},
{label: “match”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, regex, match_idx}”},
{label: “startsWith”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, substr)”},
{label: “endsWith”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, substr)”},
{label: “replace”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, substr, str)”},
{label: “trim”, type: “func”, detail: “(col}”},
{label: “toUppercase”, type: “func”, detail: “(col}”},
{label: “toLowercase”, type: “func”, detail: “(col}”},
{label: “toNumber”, type: “func”, detail: “(col}”},
{label: “toText”, type: “func”, detail: “(col}”},
{label: “if”, type: “func”, detail: “(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)”},
{label: “or”, type: “func”, detail: “(condition_1, condition_2 …)”},
{label: “not”, type: “func”, detail: “(condition)”},
{label: “and”, type: “func”, detail: “(condition_1, condition_2 …)”},
{label: “sum”, type: “func”, detail: “(col)”},
{label: “count”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, condition_1)”},
{label: “avg”, type: “func”, detail: “(col)”},
{label: “mediam”, type: “func”, detail: “(col)”},
{label: “min”, type: “func”, detail: “(col)”},
{label: “max”, type: “func”, detail: “(col)”},
{label: “notNull”, type: “func”, detail: “(col)”},
{label: “all”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, substr)”},
{label: “any”, type: “func”, detail: “(col, substr)”},
{label: “unique”, type: “func”, detail: “(col}”},
{label: “countUnique”, type: “func”, detail: “(col}”},
const exampleLanguage = LRLanguage.define({
parser: parser.configure({
props: [
ComparisonOperator: tags.operator,
PlusMinus: tags.operator,
StarObelus: tags.operator,
NotQuoteChar: tags.keyword,
String: tags.keyword,
TransformerName: tags.operator,
FunctionName: tags.operator,
Column: tags.variableName,
“Column/String”: tags.variableName,
RoundTerm: tags.operator,
languageData: {
commentTokens: { line: “;” }
I am having the existing parser code as given below for the functions above “sum” in the given EXAMPLE_FUNCTIONS_ARRAY and want to append the functions “sum” and below “sum” in the EXAMPLE_FUNCTIONS_ARRAY. But unable to do reverse engineering for that as we do not have available grammar file. Please write a grammar file for the given info so that is can generate the parser.
The existing parser is as given below:
const parser = LRParser.deserialize({
version: 14,
states: “!|QQOPOOOOOO’#C_‘#C_O#WOPO’#C^QQOPOOOOOO’#Cg’#CgO#]OPO,58xOOOO-E6e-E6eOOOO’#Ca’#CaO#jOPO’#CO#rOPO1G.dO#]OPO'#ChO#wOPO,58zOOOO7+$O7+$OOOOO,59S,59SOOOO-E6f-E6f", stateData: "$P~O^PO_PO
nodeNames: “ BuilderExpression FunctionCall FunctionName ArgumentList Argument Identifier String Number , )”,
maxTerm: 46,
skippedNodes: [0],
repeatNodeCount: 2,
tokenData: “:e~Rirs!pxy$^yz$c|}$h!Q![$m!c!}$r#R#S$r#T#U$w#U#V$r#V#W&Q#W#X$r#X#Y(u#Y#]$r#]#^)x#^#$r#
tokenizers: [0],
topRules: {“BuilderExpression”:[0,1]},
tokenPrec: 0